IRS Provides Guidance on Qualified Residential Rental Projects

In a recent Revenue Procedure, the IRS has provided guidance on the general public use requirements for qualified residential rental projects financed with tax-exempt bonds under IRC Sec. 142(d). Specifically, the guidance coordinates the general public use requirements with provisions applicable to the low-income housing credit under IRC Sec. 42. As such, a qualified residential rental project will not fail to meet the general public use requirements applicable to exempt facilities solely because of occupancy restrictions or preferences that favor certain tenants (like military veterans). The IRS has determined this rule is necessary because low-income housing credits and exempt facility bonds are often used together to finance residential rental projects. However, the guidance doesn't affect the rules applicable to bonds that finance other exempt facilities. The Revenue Procedure applies to bonds sold before, on, or after 4/3/19. Rev. Proc. 2019-17.

Source :Thomson Reuters/PPC.


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